Friday, October 27

Hello families of grade 1 students:

The students have been getting really excited have been enjoying Halloween jokes throughout the week.  Perhaps they could share some of these with you.  Ask them to tell you a joke.  Here's one we used as part of our assembly today.

How do you make a witch scratch?  Take off the "w".

"Belonging" is our current topic in social studies, which was also the title of a poem we read together.  We talked throughout the week about the meaning of this poem and the different groups we belong to, including the value of being part of a group.  We read books about belonging and about one group in particular: our families.  The grade 1s drew little pencil pictures displaying "a group" of their choice from "jobs groups", ", which we then attached to our "Belonging" poem on chart paper.  They also coloured a picture of themselves belonging to a group and will be asked to bring in an item or items to represent some of the different groups they belong to.  I sent a letter home today outlining these details.  There is no date on this form letter as I thought it would be a good idea to share the student's items as they bring them in and share them over the next few weeks.

Please ask your child what they did in science this week on the topic of colour.  They learned a great deal and had some fun experimenting too.

Guided reading groups began this week with the groups learning how to track the words on the page, even when they are not reading but still need to follow the words, reading in their head along with their group.  They learned a few new strategies as well: using picture cues, stretching a word out to break the word into smaller parts and looking at the beginning and ending sounds of a word.  Tracking our reading with our fingers was reinforced by reading a poem out loud together several times, "The Spider",  with everyone tracking the words with their finger along dots under each word.  The students continued their writing practice with writing "Bucket" notes to one another daily, having fun at word work centers and building their vocabulary about word families such as "at".  Ask your child to share with you some of the "at" words they learned.

We continued our really fun Halloween and Fall math centers, focusing on number sense and addition.  The students also did a study on the number 6, with some students going back to complete some of their previous number studies and challenging themselves to write equations for those numbers.

Our class hosted an assembly today.  We have a new assembly format that features a variety of learning with K-3 contributing throughout the year when they would like to share student learning.  We had 2 strong readers acting as emcees today to guide the assembly and introduce the various classes.  Thank you Sophia and AJ!  Our class also joined the grade 3 students from room 81 to sing one of Elvis' famous songs, "Hound Dog".  It was great fun!

The new sight words that we are learning and will be studying until Nov. 7th are:


Artist of the Week:

Bob Dylan 

Through his anti-war folk songs, this american singer-song writer was an important member of the 1960s civil rights movement. Bob Dylan is remembered for other controversial musical decisions such as “going electric” in 1965, much to the shock of his fans. Dylan also became a vital member of super-band “The Traveling Wilbury’s” in the 1980s. Our Grade 2’s will be looking forward to presenting “Blowin’ In The Wind” at this year’s Remembrance Day Assembly.


Library time for our class is on Monday morning at 8:30 am.  Please remind your child to pack their book/s into their backpacks sometime on Sunday.  Thank you!

Some children still do not have water bottles and spend valuable learning time making trips to the water fountain throughout the day.  Having their own water bottle, that they can keep here in the classroom, would be the best.

Please pack a spoon in your child's lunch if they are going to need one.

Next week is the Scholastic Book Fair.  Your child will be visiting the library to do some window shopping on Wednesday afternoon.

Have a wonderful weekend!



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